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This Week at New Vrindaban April 3-7 2021

Srimad Bhagavatam Class Schedule

Daily at 8:00am

Sat 3rd: Gaura Shakti Das, 2.5.21

Sun 4th: Sankirtan Das

Mo 5th: Vyapi Das, 2.5.22

Tu 6th: His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada

Wed 7th: Jayasri Dasi, 2.5.23


First Japa Sanga of the new year!

April 7

Papamocani Ekadasi

Fasting from grains and legumes

Begins at 3:30am in the temple room.

Let’s chant 64 rounds or as many as you can together.

(Notes: please bring a comfortable seating cushion, any inspiring books, pictures, water, and whatever else you think you might need to have a peaceful and meditative ekadasi of as many rounds of japa as you can chant!


Vaccination Clinic for New Vrindaban residents

WHO: All persons 16 and older are eligible

HOW: Please register:

Venue: Marshall County Fairgrounds

Date/Time: Friday, April 9th, from 9am on.

First vaccine on Friday, April 9th and then 2nd shot 3 weeks later on Thursday, April 29th.

All going must first pre-register on and then they will need to notify us that they have registered so we can send a list of names to Mark NO LATER THAN MONDAY, April 5th.

Those going for the vaccine will need to bring an ID and after receiving the vaccine will be asked to wait 15 minutes to make sure no reaction before leaving.

Please be mindful of the following. You are required to register with the above link. Once you have registered, you need to let Bhaktin Mira or Madhava Kanti in the office or email know that you have registered and if you will need transportation. Then they will send a complete list of devotees registered for the health department to pull you from their sign up pool and add you to the special list for next Thursday. You will need to bring one form of identification with you. There is no cost to you.


Govindas Express

Open most evenings.

Eat out. Dine in.

See New Vrindaban Connect for opening times.


Inauguration of New Yamuna Valley Farm

A small group of devotees assembled to celebrate a new beginning at Yudhistir prabhu’s property. A sweet kirtan accompanied a procession of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai to the new temple built with recycled material from New Vrindaban. Another ecstatic kirtan while an arati was performed.

Prasadam was enjoyed by all the devotees in the crisp spring sunny weather. Devotees are invited to take Darshan and support the project in whatever way you can.


Team Building at the INV department head meeting—worshiping Tulasi together.


Book distribution

Book distribution in New Vrindaban is going strong as devotees are distributing books in surrounding areas as well as in the Welcome Center and lobby. Next Tuesday there will be a harinam in Morgantown. More details on the FB page and WhatsApp groups. In addition there will be a book table outside the temple on the weekends. Tulsi Manjari devi dasi is taking this up and if you would like to take a slot to watch the table and preach, please let her know. She will probably be contacting you!


Spring into good health!

Yoga starts this week.


M 5:30pm Osea/Sarah

W 5:30pm Osea/Sarah

TH 5:30pm Nikunja

Sat 11:30am Anuradha

Sun 6:15am Nikunja



Bhajans, bhajans, more bhajans! Every Sunday at 5pm in the Wellness Center. Contact Lilasukha if you would like to be added to the special Whatsapp group.


Radha Gopinath Temple Construction update

Due to a shortage in construction manpower and a delay in dome materials from India (pandemic related) the opening will sadly not take place on Janmastami this year. More information on the rescheduled date in due course of time.


Current services available

Please contact Sarah at the Welcome Center or Madhava Kanti if you are available to help in various areas of the temple programming on the weekends.


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