Srimad Bhagavatam Class Schedule
Daily at 8:00am

Fr 19th: Devananda Das
Sat 20th: Kishori Radha Dasi
Sun 21st: Gaura Shakti Das
Mo 22nd: Banabhatta Das
Tu 23rd: His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada
Wed 24th: To be announced
Join our inspirational weekly Friday Zoom classes with speakers from all over the worldwide. This Saturday, class will be given by Kishori Radha Dasi. Please join on Facebook NewVrindaban108 or
Kishori Radha Dasi was introduced to Krishna consciousness as a student at UVA, at the Bhakti Yoga Club in Charlottesville, VA by HG Amit Acara and Mayapriya prabhus (ACBSP) in the year 2011. One of the first books she read in Bhakti, was Watering the seed by HH Giriraj Swami. She was touched by Giriraj Swami's humility and love for Srila Prabhupada and was prompted to meet him. She met him in San Diego in 2014 when she was visiting for a medical conference, and subsequently she and her husband took shelter of him. They were initiated in 2016. She is a Neurologist by profession with specialization in acute stroke. She works at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. Her husband Karunavatara das is a genetics researcher by profession and they live in Maryland with their 5-year-old son Karunya Bhava.

Need help
Hare Krishna dear devotees! The gift shop is in need of volunteers the next few days to help put new barcode labels on clothes. If you are able to assist, please contact Sarah at (386) 965-8322 or Sri Nitai at (720) 434-6421 for information. Gratitude for your service will be expressed with a nice gift from the shop.

Sri Nityananda Trayodasi
Fasting till noon
Thursday, February 25
5:00 am Mangala-arati
8:00 am Guru-puja
8:00 am Darshan
8:15 am The glories of Lord Nityananda
4:30 pm Bhajan
5:00 pm Abhisek of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
6:00 pm The pastimes of Lord Nityananda
7:00 pm Arati and Kirtan
7:45 pm Prasadam Feast

Bhaimi Ekadasi
(fast from grains and beans)
(fast till noon for Varahadev)
Tuesday, February 23

Current services available

The ABC's and 123's of stealing Maha
To the person who is stealing burfis off the Lord’s plates, please be informed that:
A. Hey! To steal maha-prasadam is bona-fide. But…
B. Chi,chi! To steal it off the Lord’s plates before they are washed is an offense. And by the way…
C. We see you! Yup, look to the upper right and smile at the camera! 🌝
Therefore, as your friends and well-wishers, we advise you to choose one of the following options:
Get it done – wash the Lord’s plates yourself before stealing the burfis.
Play it cool - wait for the pujari to wash them and then sneak in.
Humility – beg the pujaris to be merciful and stash a few burfis for you every day.

The Green Juice Wellness Program
Fresh, organic green juice—an alkaline blend containing lime, ginger, parsley, cucumber and celery is now available to you for $3 per glass. Juices are ready by 7:15am. Want to try out the program? You can book juices daily or just a few days. Payment is due to Bhaktin Mira in the Accounting office each Friday to be eligible for the following week.

Congratulations to Amita Krsna das and his good wife Lilavati Radha devi dasi on the birth of their daughter Amila today at 4.37am. Her name means brave and strong and we all pray that she grows into a strong and brave devotee of Lord Krishna.

The GBC SPT is hosting a five-week event leading up to the celebration of Gaura Purnima.
Please join here for both events :
Growing Bhagavatam Speakers in New Vrindaban
